Change history for taskTome

2022-04-23 21:13:37
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Screenshot: Updated

2019-01-13 19:42:56
Updated by billon

  • Forum topic ID: 05167

2019-01-13 19:40:19
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: taskTome is a personal information manager which allows you to maintain a list of events, diary entries, tasks, notes and financial information. It is light-weight program that displays the information that you need to keep track of without cluttering it up with un-needed features and controls, while still allowing you complete control over the information - including the ability to search, format, print, export and customize data.[b]NOTE[/b]: Program discontinued.
  • Keywords: task%20tome tasktom
  • Release date: 20000-010-04-03
  • What's new: New features:The major new features that were implemented in this version of taskTome are:[list][*]General - Printing and Exporting options are now displayed on the main navigation bar[*]Planner - Added a Browse dialog to view events by category[*]Finance - The date range for the chart and table can now be set separately[*]Finance - Added a Changes column to show the changed value between each day[/list]Bug fixes and changes:The major bug fixes and changes that were implemented in this version of taskTome are:[list][*]Check For Updates - Fixed an issue caused by my new hosting provider[*]Crash Reports - Reports are now uploaded via HTTP, avoiding problems with email settings[*]Backup Manager - Now uses the Task Dialog boxes on Windows Vista/7[*]Backup Manager - Added an option to ignore the drive letter used for portable installations[*]Finance - Layout and bug fixes to various parts of the Finance module[*]Various - Layout and bug fixes to various dialog boxes[*]Various - Minor other bug...

2013-02-12 00:49:58
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • How to extract: Download the portable ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]taskTome.exe[/i].
  • What's new: New features:The major new features that were implemented in this version of taskTome are: [list][*]General - Prieneral - Printing and Exporting options are now displayed on the main navigatingon bar[*]Planner - Added Exporting options are now displayed on the main navigation bar Planner - Added a Browse dialog to view events by category Finance - The date range for the chart and table can now be set separately Finance - Added a Changes column to show the changed value between each dayBug fixes and changes:The ma Browse dialog to view events by category[*]Finance - The date range for the chart and table can now be set separately[*]Finance - Added a Changes column to show the changed value between each day[/list]Bug fixes and changes:The major bug fixes andes and changes tes that were implemented in this version of taskTome are: [list][*]Check For Updates tes - Fixed an issue caused by my new hosting provider[*]Crash Reports - FixRedports anre now issuploaded cviaused by my new hHTTP, avostiding provider Crash Reprorts - Reports are now upbloaded via HTTP, avoidms wingth problems with email settings Backupail settings[*]Backup Manager - Noow uses ses the Taske Task Dialoog boxeses on Windows Vista/7 [*]Backup Manager - Added an option to ignore the drive letter used for portable installations Finance - Layout and bug fixesded an opto variousn to ignore the drive parts of the Finance moduletter Variouus - Layout and bug fixes to various dialog boxes Various - Minord fother portabug fixles, interfastallations[*]Finance - Layout and mbug fixes to varintous parts of the Finance module[*]Various - Layout and bug fixes to various dialog boxes[*]Various - Mincor other chanbuges...

2010-04-02 14:51:32
Added by Checker