Free Window Registry Repair v3.5

webfork on 22 Mar 2016
  • 2MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 9 Aug 2015
  • Suggested by AlephX

Free Window Registry Repair helps locate and remove invalid registry entries, helping improve system performance. It also supports the automatic creation of registry backups so that you can restore to a previous backup if something goes wrong. On WinXP, it can create a restore point automatically.

Runs on:Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8
Writes settings to: Application folder
License: Freeware
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and extract using Universal Extractor to a temporary folder
  2. Move the contents of MAINDIR to a folder of your choice
  3. Launch Regpair.exe

19 comments on Free Window Registry Repair  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

rodger123 2012-10-15 05:55

nice program to really mess up your system-had to reinstall outlook express!Try googling" regcleaner last freeware version"that program is safe and been using it for years-you can install a program then open regcleaner and it will show you what keys have been added-that same comany made regsupreme which I use but no longer made-that has never caused me any problems.regcleaner has an installer but does not write to the registry-dont know if it works on windows 7 but try maybe.


spicydog 2011-12-28 22:27

I totally second lautrepay's opinion about Argente Registry Cleaner.
Happy holidays everybody!


lautrepay 2011-12-28 19:45

IMHO, the best registry cleaner is Argente Registry Cleaner. Supports 64-bits and there's a portable version. I'll probably add it to the database next month.


dany 2011-12-28 18:44

Yea, CCleaner has a fairly decent registry cleaner but that one also reports false positives. Example: CC reports 28 ActiveX and Class Issues but I know that they are all valid entries and removing them will cripple my OS. I learned that the hard way.
Never trust these tools and always, always verify and backup before messing with your registry.
NB: @Emka and others as well, nowhere on the site is it mentioned that Free Window Registry Repair supports 64-bit systems, so that alone could mess up the results.
NB 2: In my previous post scanner should read cleaner of course.


abc 2011-12-28 17:07

CCleaner behaves so much better than most standalone registry cleaners, I've tried others and they clean up way too much than necessary.


dany 2011-12-28 15:59

@Emka: Depends. Some (or most) are most likely orphaned keys from programs not installed anymore (safe to remove).
But there is also software that depends on the existence of those empty keys (leave them alone!).
Or they could be keys not in use yet (could be safe to remove but useless to do so).
Either way, calling it an 'error' is too simplistic as registry scanners usually can not distinguish between the above categories. My tip is to evaluate keys individually (google them) or apply the golden rule and just leave them alone.
Registry scanners are highly overrated anyway imho.


Emka 2011-01-24 16:15

Can one trust this on Win7x64? On my machine, it finds almost 2,000 errors, most of them empty keys. Doesn't that sound too much?

atemi 2011-01-06 19:24

Very good comment joost,i need to try mvregclen
i learn somthing today
Thank you !

joost 2011-01-05 23:07

agreed atemi, i am using a triple(o) (don't know if this is the correct word)
of: regseeker, argente and mvregclean. all of them used for a long time. of course tried all of those dozens of other ones: no benefits.
regseeker is obviously good (no need for updates!, final version 1.55 has experimental services scanning and does so without mistakes), mvregclean goes system deep, finds (current)-controlset 01, 02 orphans and argente does very deep dependency checking regarding to exe-files.
this couple never let me down.
and for the extra redundancy, use cleanafterme and forget about crap-cleaner!

atemi 2011-01-05 16:12

Regseeker,best registry cleaner for me,safe and light

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